Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letters- Part One.

There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it. For me, Photography is that thing- it has always been that thing. Photography has completely transformed my life. I love it. It has changed me in a really really good way. Its taught me alot and I am ready to share what its taught me. So where to start? haha.

Brittany Spears is the most googled thing in the world. Why?? Because she has guts. She was a teenage sex symbol, shaved her head, has taken hold of the tabloids, and so many other things. She never cared what others thought about what she said or did as a artist. Like all other artist she has a voice, regardless if you agree with it or not, she has an apparent message that she withholds too. The bottoms line is, she is bold, SUPER ridiculously BOLD. As photographers, I feel we could learn from this.  

Everyone has a voice. Everyone stands for, firmly believes, and has convictions about things. As an artist, it is your job to use your voice, to speak up and to speak out for what you believe. For is you don't, then what's the point?!? I firmly believe that an o.k or even ugly photograph with a point or message is far more powerful then a breath-taking photograph with no meaning.  

If you don't speak up, how is the world suppose to know that you exits?!?! I am not comfortable remaining silent. I was given a voice so i shall use mine through what I love most. I encourage you to do the same. It takes guts. Have to be bold, sometimes you need lots of courage. But it's worth it.  

When it comes down to it, there will be people who won't like what you create, they may not like what you have to say, they may not like what you stand for. They may say that your work is weird, disturbing, not pretty, too pretty , or too perfect, the list is endless. But at the end of the day, not matter what you create, there will always be people who won't like you- and that's o.k. So you might as well speak up. Just use your photography for a purpose because it better to be hated for what you say but then to be loved for your silence.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Before and After.

Today I decided to post some Before and After's.
What the heck, what could it hurt, right?

I have always had such a passion for Photoshop.
I am completely in love with it.
In fact,
I would say I love it more than actually photographing people.
I love the transformation,
I love being able to change,
and manipulate a photograph.

But just because I use Photoshop doesn't make me less of a photographer though.
Call me a hack,
A fake,
I don’t really care.
I am a photographer.
I take pictures.
But I am also an artist.
I am make art.
My photographs are my canvas,
Photoshop is my brush.

I use Photoshop to achieve my vision.

Always remember,
An artist is not an is artist for his labor,
But for his vision.
