Monday, March 12, 2012

A New Beginning

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the new Chase Face Photography blog! I am rather overjoyed to say (more like type) that!
I got to thinking while I was in the shower one day. Does anyone else do most of their thinking in the shower? Anyways as I was lathering, rinsing, and repeating I got to thinking about photography (big surprise!).Usually my thoughts on photography have to do with myself. What do I love about photography? How does it make me feel? What do I need to accomplish through it today? But on this day, with loofah in hand, I realized that one of the best things about being a photographer is having the ability to bring joy to other people. It’s a meaningful thing to be able to provide someone with beautiful photographs of a particular moment in their lives. Whether it’s capturing a little girl squeezing her big brother or the tiny hands and feet of a newborn baby, I think that’s what excites me most about photography. So, as I had my moment of realization in the shower,it was nice to think that my interest in photography might impact others in a positive way. I feel like I can contribute to the happiness of others while contributing to my own, which is very important in my book.
This was the scene that sparked my interest in getting a blog. I think it is important for every photographer to have a photoblog!(In fact, I’m basically convinced that only other photographers read photographer’s blogs. Seriously, why would any person with a life regularly visit a blog to read about other people’s photo shoots? Then again, I don’t understand why people watch game shows either. If I’m not the one winning $10,000, I’m just not that interested.) It was important to me that my blog was personal. I wanted who-ever is reading it to feel like we were just having a cup of tea and a take away on a Saturday night. But I had some fears that I might not know what to say, or making myself sound like a complete idiot, ect. I finally came to the conclusion that I had nothing to lose and so I went for it and here I am.
Sure, this blog may have a backgroud full of books. Its really the only one I could find that I thought was relatively nice and that I liked. It may not be the most posh looking blog out there, but it's a start and that is what matters to me.
Now, I don't mean to get sappy, or to turn this into one of those dreadful "Thank You" acceptance speeches you see at award shows but I am grateful for many people and I would to take some time to appreciate them!
1). My O-so loving family: Thank you so much for ALLLL your love, support, and encouragement. You have given me so much confidence as to who I am personally and as a photographer as well. If it weren't for them I would not be where I am today.
2). My friends and all my wonderful models:They know who they are! Thank you so much Guys. You are always willing to do what ever ridiculous things I ask you to do. I have the best friends on this earth and I think they are all awesome in their own special way! If it weren't for them I would still be using my dog as my model subject. Thank you so much friends.
3). Last but certainly not least all the other very talented creative people I like to spend time around! Rather they are a fellow photographer or someone in another part of the creative industry. Thank you so very much for all your tons and tons of tips and/or tricks from critiquing to almost anything else. Thank y'all so much. Without them I would still be very confused and lost.
There!! I made that as short, sweet and as to the point as I possibly could!
Finally, I am so happy to have taken this next step as who I want to become. I am looking forward to all the many many many blog post to come and all the words and stories to be shared.
I don't know about you but, I am going to sit back relax and enjoy this ride!
-Love and blessings
The guy behind the camera, Chase.


  1. With you all the way in this, bud. :') Go get em! x

    1. Thanks Mag! You don't know how much I appreciate that!
