It was one of those mornings. One of those magical mornings, perfect lighting, birds singing, and a nice breeze. I was feeling very inspired but very vulnerable with my emotions. So much in my life has been going on. A lot of changes have been happening. Life just seems to be moving so fast. Faster then I would like it too.
For me, taking self portraits is therapeutic. It documents a split second of my life. A second that I can never get back. It allows me to remember that second. How I was feeling, what I was thinking, what I looked like. It allows the world to see in intimate view into who I really am. Something that is rare and wonderful.
I took these self portraits a few mornings ago. I was really scared about sharing them with the world. They are really personal and I don't like showing my vulnerability. After I finished up and got the images up on the computer, I was miffed to discover these shots and how they made me feel though.
I feel like one chapter of my life is ending which makes me sad. Very sad. But another is starting. A chapter that makes me feel happy. I'm growing up. I'm becoming an adult. I'm getting more freedoms, becomming more independent. I'm no longer a child. That saddens me. I'm saying goodbye to carelessness and not having responsibilities. With that comes insecuritites. And fear. Lots of it. Fear of failure. Fear of being rejected as a person and as a photographer.
I'm going through a metamorphsis. I'm not who I was six months ago. Everyday I'm growing, maturing, learning. Learning about life, love, who I am, what I am, what I believe. I'm learning not to be affraid, to let go of fear. I'm learning its o.k to be confident in my self and work. It's o.k to make mistakes if I learn from them. It's o.k. to have moments of weakness and pain.
I'm starting a journey. A journey thats going to be long. I don't know where it's road is going to take me or what it's going to put me through. There will be good times, but there will be hard times too. But I am ready! I'm ready for all the ups and downs. For the smooth and rocky pavements. For all it throws at me. I can do it! I can beat it! I can over come it!
What you see is not always what you get. Take the time to dig a little deeper. The only thing I can do each day is try. I can try to be all the things I want to be and everyone else wants me to be. If I fall short in your eyes, please know..I tried. I did the best I could do and that is all that should ever be asked of anyone. Take a minute to breathe and relax and be grateful for all the beauty that surrounds you.
~The guy behind the camera
i love you photos chase! your pictures always come out looking good! lots of love!