Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Want To Photograph...

"So, what kind of photography do you like?" 
"What do you mean?" I say. 
"Well, what do you want to photograph?"
This is a conversation I have had more times than I can count. 
Someone always manages to ask me what I want to photograph 
and every time, 
without fail,
I freeze. 

Its such a simple question 
but to be honest, 
I don't know the answer 

I don't know what I want to photograph. 
Even though I have always known that I wanted to be a photographer
I never knew what it exactly was that I wanted to document. 

There are so many options 
and roads I could take. 
Fine Art, 
the list is endless. 

Some of those things make me shutter 
and silver with distaste
On the other hand, some don't sound so bad.....
but not good enough to devote myself too.  
Maybe I have cold feet. 
Maybe I'm just lazy. 
Maybe I'm indecisive. 

Personally though, 
I don't want to try to cram myself into a box. 
I don't want to be forced into limitations. 
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about who 
or what 
I want to photograph. 
I did some searching of my heart 
and of my photography desires, 
what my dreams were 
and my goals. 

Even though I may not know everything there is to know about the photography world 
(or the world in general), 
or what genre I am 
or want to be, 
this is what I do know. 
I believe photographs should be more than just photographs. 
I believe they should be art. 
I believe they should capture more then just who you are 
but reveal your soul. 

I want to capture your attention with my images. 
(If I have not, I have failed miserably at my job). 

I want to photograph people as they are- 
not after they have lost 20 pounds, 
but right now! 
Right at this particular moment of their lives. 

I recently decided that 
while it would incredible to photograph celebrities
All the "A" List actors 
All the Singer at the Top of the charts. 
 Its not my main goal. 
I would love to photograph all those people
and make bucket loads of money in the process. 
But if that never happens, 
I'll be o.k. with that. 

I'm not settling for mediocrity. 
I just want to make breathtaking pieces of art. 

I want to photograph people
everyday, people. 

I want to photograph... 
All those who have looked in the mirror 
and not felt good about themselves. 
 All of them. 
Because everyone is on a different journey. 
Everyone is different
and because of this
everyone is beautiful. 
I just want to photograph people 
and show them the beauty I see them.

I don't always make my friends dress up like eskimos, but when I do its 115 degrees outside. 

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